Saturday 30 March 2013

Youth has great Potential- Pakistan

If there is one thing that Pakistan has in abundance is a population and its young people. According to Unicef, the country has one of the world’s largest youth. It is worth to say that youth is a powerful and productive segment of the population.

Pakistani youth in so many fields on several occasions has proved that it is having a lot of potential. It is not out of place to mention its potential regarding its capacity in Information Technology (IT). There is a long list of famous heroes but we can’t ignore unsung heroes in this field. Keeping in view; our population and resources, we have not reached to that level of excellence.  Still, there is a great scope and we can produce a pool of skilled manpower ready to work for offshore clients on internet from their homes. By this act we can beat the monster of unemployment in this country. There are so many jobs available on the internet. I, think technology is a pre-requisite for development as such we may appreciate our big segment of youth to join this field and achieve the target of sustainable development by means of technology. 

You know that facebook has become a mania all over the world including Pakistan. Technology has evolved rapidly and having expensive and innovative gadgets is no big deal now. Facebook, internet and mobile phones are also the fastest means of communication in today’s fast changing world. Networking through facebook can be a beneficial activity. It is entirely for international relations, students who can interact with each other about assignments and attend courses online. It can help in marketing and can generate a lead etc.  
Opportunities are always there one ought to avail these to generate income rather than cursing the time and fellows.

Image source: Google


  1. A nice idea towards eradication of unemployment and developing Entrepreneurship.

    Fahed Parvaiz
