Thursday 14 March 2013

Pakistan Museum of Natural History (PMNH) Shakar-Parrian, Garden Avenue, Islamabad

Pakistan Museum of Natural History (PMNH) is a subsidiary of Ministry of Science and Technology and is known for its collection of specimens found or excavated from around the country. Although it is a small museum but its collection is unique; it has fossils that can reveal millions of years of natural history.
The museum is the first in the country to install audio commentary equipment, for the benefit of visitors and especially for researchers and students. The equipment is a gift from UNESCO and is intended to help the museum to develop its online services for its subscribers etc. New tools will facilitate the visitors to hear technical and historical information about items without having to wait for a guide. The audio facility would be linked to the museum’s website, so anyone in the world can listen to this information, just by clicking an icon. This small contribution will make the museum more scientific and dynamic.

Similarly, other museums in country can also adopt this technology for the benefit of their visitors.

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