Sunday 17 March 2013

Pakistan can earn Billions through Gemstones export

*     Pakistan is a home of rare gemstones that can earn billions of dollars for the country if properly exploited and marketed. The gemstone sector has a huge potential to become regional leader by adopting modern techniques and methodologies.
*     Pakistan is blessed with; more than 270 varieties of precious stones etc. Some of the major gemstones are enlisted below.

Ø  Peridot
Ø  Aquamarine
Ø  Topaz - in various colours including violet, pink, golden, and champagne
Ø  Ruby
Ø  Emerald
Ø  Bastnaesite - rare earth mineral
Ø  Xenotime - rare earth mineral
Ø  Sphene
Ø  Tourmaline
Ø  Quartz of various types

*     Demand of gemstones is growing rapidly in international markets; there is a need to exploit natural reserves in order to create a substantial international market for the Pakistani gems and jewelry industry. It is up to Pakistan to put in their best efforts to convert the potential into tangible gains to benefit the country and economy. It will facilitate to generate revenue for the state and jobs for the masses.


  1. Lapis Lazuli: A gemstone of Love and Success,

    Jade: A gemstone of Luck and Wealth,

    Agate: A Gemstone of Power and Health,

    Tourmaline: A Gemstone of Protection and Peace

    Quartz: A gemstone of Energy and Purity.

  2. Replies

    2. Thank you for your interest @ Adeel Qayyum !!!!
